
Wednesday, 25 January 2012

OH NO! Toe Woes...

WARNING: if you don't like the sight of feet or suffer from  a foot phobia of sorts... look away now...

 This little piggy hurts.
This little piggy went to A&E and got xrayed.
This little piggy is broken.

 This little piggy was securely strapped up ...
...and this little piggy was sent wee wee weeee all the way home, for a week of bed rest and a double prescription for some off the wall, knock ya out pain killers. awesome.

(i apologized to 4 members of staff on separate occasions for my nasty nail paint euuuuuurrrrgh)
outfit of the day, urgh uggs are the only shoe that will fit
Doctors told me to have my foot up for at least 5 days but after 3 days of lying in bed, I have been super drowsy and going out of mind on drugs as cabin fever set in. Today I decided to get up and start reppin' my crutches...
....and bake.
This little piggy had Chocolate fluff brownies. hot straight form the pan, Best medicine ever.

home made beetroot relish and deli chicken sammih
My eats have been simple and pretty snacky and minimal as i haven't got the mobility to get down stairs to the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans... Need a private chef or something to see to my demanding and constant foodie/ peanut butter needs.
 black bean brownie bites.
Yeah, that homemade beet relish is preeeettty special, recipe post will be up next! as well as the improved black bean brownies!
For dinner i escaped my cave and spent the evening round my mate charlottes for a sex in the city marathon and popcorn/potato chip night. just what I needed.
Anyway, Im off for nap number 5 of the day/ bedtime. peace out.

p.s Bobbin in a hat (dont want this post to be all about me me me)


  1. Ouchy! what happened???
    your beet sammie looks divine... recipe creeping soon methinks :-)
    hope your tootsies feel better soon, lucky its winter and you can still rock the uggs in style! x

  2. Hmm... I love black bean brownies!

    I hope your foot gets better soon :)

  3. Hope your foot feels better soon chick :-)

    Love black bean brownies!!!
