
Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Gluten Free + Vegan Pear and Plum CRUMBLE.

 This year, the weather has been weird. Never know whether to wear a bikini or anorak... I choose to wear both, but that's beside the point. All this sunshine and showers has done wonders for all the green things. especially the old plum tree in my garden. Its heaving with a bumper crop of super juicy and ripe fruit. in the slightest breeze a dozen will fall on my noggin. So, a bit like a newton moment, it hit me. actually use/eat them.
 I made a simple compote firstly and added it to my oatmeal. it was gooood, but that just wasn't enough. So I got rubbin' crumbs, and topped the home grown fruit and made a PLUMBLE.
1 cup of stoned and chopped plums
1 medium peeled pear, chopped.
1 tbsp honey or agave nectar
cinnamon + nutmeg to taste.

for topping
2 tbsp soya spread or butter
50g gluten free plain white flour mix
30g gluten free oats
30g ground almonds
30g coconut flour
2 tbsp granulated sweetener or sugar
  1.  Preheat oven to 350 F or 180*C. In a small oven dish, placed chopped and prepared fruit. stir in sweetener and spices.
  2. in a separate bowl, stirp flours oats, almonds. 
  3. divide butter and rub into flours until  fine crumb consistancy is made, then add sweetener r sugar.
  4. top fruit with crumble mix and bake in oven for 30 minutes or until bubbling, golden brown and crisp.
 Such an easy dessert, but all the flavours work incredibly well, the tart plums are warmed by the spices and complimented by the sweet, nutty and buttery crumble topping. YUM.
I served mine with some vanilla ice cream. A warm crumble maybe a autumnal pudding, not so much converted in the summer months, but the seasons are a bit crazy and so am I.

Is the weather where you are as unpredictable? have you grown any veggies or fruit in your garden?


  1. That looks delicious! I've been growing lettuce this year, it's fun to watch them grow! This summer has beeen lame, I hope we get some sun soon!

  2. Plumble, love it!!!
    Any kind of crumble makes me a happy girl, yours looks delicious :o)

  3. Your photos are gorgeous!
    And this crumble looks delicious, I've never made one with plums, might be something to try :-)
    Weather here has been ridiculously unpredictable, it feels like autumn already right now!

  4. The weather here has been disgustingly hot all summer. Barely any rain. It's gross.
