
Sunday, 14 August 2011

Grilliant Weekend

A  weekend in pictures...

Me and bobbin spent a lovely few days staying at Mr bake n Beebz family home. We watched new Jersey Shore episodes and movies and just chilled in each others company.

Saturday, We had an evening in the garden, Harry fired up the coals and got the Bbq flamin' hot. He grilled us both some deliciously spicey chicken and vegetable kebabs.
 The best bits were the char-grilled chunks, soooo good.
 We accompanied them with a gin n' tonic and beer(s) for the chef and yummy scraps for a hungry Beebz...
This afternoon I Decided to attend my first ever class at the gym, I originally wanted to take part in a body pump session but it was fully booked so i plumped for a spinning class. I had cycled to the gym today and was in such a rush to get into the class I forgot I was still wearing my cycle helmet and walked into the room late and looking like a complete noob. The instructor kindly pointed out my head wear out to the rest of the spinning public... gahhh.
Holy Thigh burn. It was intense! The instructor was a little brutal fierce for me, but It was probally one of the  best heart thumping work outs I have ever done. After, I did some added heavier weight training and focused on my legs and thighs.

 I crawled home and I refueled on one three of these cookies....
 Recipe to come tomorrow!


  1. Oooh which gym do you attend? I need to join up and i fancy something boxercisey… x
