
Tuesday, 1 November 2011

What I ate Wednesday...pumpkin packed Halloweeny round up and giveaway!

Whats sup, what I ate Wednesday.
  I'm going for the jugular and hitting ya straight up with my early breakfast, Oatmeal, cinnamon, PB and chopped apple.

Hope you all had a sweet halloween! Mine was pretty chill, stayed in last night with some scary flicks and some treats. no trickin'
I spent Halloween night cozied up, I hid from kids and ate my cupcakes...
 Painted my nails...
 pampered in this new pumpkin spice bath product...
 walked that pumpkin pup.
 Me and Mr Bake n Beebz also rolled out to a theme park fright night at the weekend! The theme park was seasonally decorated with giant pumpkins and spooky bits and bobs.
It was open late in to the night, thrill seekin' was pretty fun in the dark! It took all my will power to keep a straight face whilst this picture was taken, didnt think a log flume could be so petrifying.
pumpkin and pepsi bobble hat
 Annnnddd back to today... Lunch is served... Beetroot, Feta and spinach sammiched between gluten free brown seedy bread. such a good combo.

snacked on a Nakd banana bread bar and cup of sweet milky hot tea in the staff room. (keep reading on for details of a lil giveaway!)
After work came home to some big boxes! yeaaaaah buddy! love letting samples in the mail...
Will review these very soon.
  (ohhhh and for your chance to get your own lil something in the mail enter my giveaway at the bottom of this post...)
After work I whacked on the oven and Roasted up some Pumpkin with nutritional yeast to accompany my dinner. 

 Spinach, chick pea and vegetable curry with chutney and poppadom. nothing beats a crunchy poppadom and saucy spicy hot hot curry.
Im in the the mood for pudding so once I hit the post button im gonna run wild and raid my chocolate stash... gawwwwd Wish i had gone trick or treating now for some candy... Do you think they would've given up their sweets to a 23 year old BIG kid?

How was your halloween and what is the bestest thing you have eaten lately? let ya girl know.

As my treat for you this Halloween I am giving away my favourite flavours of these Nakd bars I reviewed earlier in the week...
For your chances of winning just...
  1. Follow Bake n Beebz on twitter (button on this page)
  2. retweet giveaway... @aliceblairbakes and is holding a Nakd bar giveaway!
  3. Follow the blog
  4. and comment below!
good luck, competition closes Friday 4th of November at 5pm.

As ever thank to jenn for hosting this week W.I.A.W!


  1. I've never heard of this bar. . .
    I wonder what it tastes like! :)

  2. Wow. the cupcakes look too good to eat!!!

  3. YUM!! That curry and roasted pumpkin look so good. I was going to roast the pumpkin my flatmates mutilated but they threw it away :(
    I want to try those bars so bad!! and I think beetroot makes a lovely sandwich. At least yours was. mmmm

  4. following you on twitter

  5. and I tweeted@mindrunningwild

  6. and I'm pretty sure I follow your blog?

  7. The cupcakes look yummy and your nails are adorable!

  8. Follow you on twitter and a retweeted :) Love your pups halloween costume!

  9. I love Nakd bars as a really nutritious and tasty snack.

  10. Those cupcakes are the cutest! And wow, pumpkin spice body wash?! I'd have to take a snack with me into the shower! Haha!

    Btw, I didn't realize you were on Instagram...I'm photo-stalking you now! ;)

  11. The beet in your sandwich, is it pickled or just cooked? If cooked is it just boiled or with spices?

    Thanks, Mike

  12. What an awesome day of eats, and such fun appeared to be had by all.
    I love trying new bars so I hope I am the lucky recipient of the Nakd :)

  13. I love your nails! I would love to try the nakd bars.

  14. Hi! What kind of gluten free bread is that? It looks awesome. I am now following you :)

  15. Hello! I already follow your blog!

  16. I love your blog! I just came across it recently and your posts are so much fun to read. :)
    All of your food looks delicious!

  17. Oh, and I'm now following your blog!

  18. That beetroot/feta sandwich looks amazing. Might recreate with some goats cheese for dins tonight, yum.

    Awesome little giveaway, I could always do with some Nakd bar goodness in my life :)

  19. Mmmm take a look at that sandwich!!
    I've only tried the Berry flavour Nakd bar so I'd love to try to rest !
